Thursday 6 October 2016

Photographs for front cover

I  considered using this photograph because of the codes and conventions linked to it, including the book as it associates to college. It does relate to existing college magazines but I didn't like the costume and the position of my model.
This photograph was taken the very next day, the result turned out  it turned out to look the best out of the four photos that were taken. This is because I considered the framing, lighting and positioning a bit more then in the previous shot. The overall look of the photograph just seemed more conventional in my opinion.
Very similar to the shot above this one was also a consideration for the final piece. However I decided that this one was a bit indirect then the other so it wasn't chosen.
I thought that my subject looked far too uncomfortable and that he was making more effort then was needed to engage the viewer, he is looking directly in to the camera and the photograph is framed terribly.

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