Thursday 6 October 2016

Mise en scene and location ideas

My initial thoughts on the location was to use my colleges campus as my setting for the front cover of the final product, so I decided that I would use a blue wall at the entrance on campus as the background for it as I was not that comfortable with using a busy background to show the codes and conventions for this type of magazine. Instead I used one prop a casual costume and colours to create the connotations and denotations that the audience would expect to see on a conventional college magazine.

I decided that my main image should be wearing casual clothes because it is conventional for a subject on a college magazine to be wearing everyday clothes as the connotations that we link to college is that the environment is less strict and to show independance.

I used the back pack prop to show the link to college and education as most people carry one round when they are carrying documents, pens and other utencils for college life.

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