Saturday 25 February 2017

Q.5 How did you attract/adress your audience?

The approach that I took to attracting my audience was not a simple process as I had to reach out to my mass audience by researching their spending habits as consumers so I could find out what would appeal to them, in order for the magazine to have a style that my audience would like to see in the magazine for they will relate to the language of the product. The house style is one of the most important aspects of attracting not only the existing customers but potential new ones as well, the conventional style and approach might mean that the consumers of other RNB magazines will appreciate what it has to offer because I have not tried to make my magazine different to the existing products on the current market. Another way I have addressed my audience is by promoting the product on social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter as it is a great way of advertising to your mass audience as it can be shared and then commented on so it is also a good way of making improvements on the product.

I appealed to a target audience between the ages of 16 and 23, although also attempted to address slightly older readers. I targeted this audience in the following ways:

  • The colour scheme is conventional for the average R&B magazine and highlights key features and promotions on the magazine and appeals to my young target audience.
  • I chose a model who is a similar age to my target audience so that they can relate to him.
  • The artists I chose to include in my magazine were those popular to my audience, which I discovered through research.
  • My feature stories were covered stories that were relevant to a younger generation.
  • The dialogue I included in my product was written in a tone that was informal so that it would appeal more to my target audience.

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