Tuesday 14 March 2017

Q.3 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Audience for my magazine

The audience for my magazine would be young people aged around 16-23 years that want to know about the latest songs or artists coming up on the independent R&B scene. They support the cover artists by buying my issues of the magazine and sharing it with others so that they can eventually move on to better things like working for major labels that will promote them better then we can, it is an honor to have interviewed some of the new and upcoming prospects as we can see them becoming big stars one day, it will be down to our fantastic audience.

In order for this audience to appreciate my magazine in the best way possible I considered what they would like from the product more than anything. I decided that convenience and relatability would be the two key things to make this magazine stand out to the others, convenience because that is what people at that age expect from products these days, if they don't have to go in to a store to buy the magazine then they will purchase it on one of their devices, like the mobile phone which allows portability so they can read it on a compact system that they will have with them all the time. With relatability I mean  how the artist and audience connect to each other so with every cover artist I will have their twitter page so that they can become more familiar with these faces.

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