Monday 12 September 2016

Conventions research

Semiotics/ LIIAR analysis

Language is the process that a product goes through when being constructed, and how it is presented to the audience. For example, when magazines are produced, there must be consideration in to the connotations, codes and conventions in order to construct a magazine that the audience will expect to see.  The way a magazine or any other product is presented is down to the people producing the product; they also look at what the audience’s appeals are as they are the ones who decide what is included in the construction. For example, Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News International and the person behind The Times and the Sun newspapers in the United Kingdom, sells his newspapers at a very cheap price in order to use them to promote/ advertise his larger organisations, such as FOX and Sky, to encourage the viewers of his newspaper to pay licence fees for the channels he provides. This includes football on Sky and television series on the Fox channel.
An Institution means the business or organisation that is in charge of production, distribution and marketing of media texts. In Media Studies any mass media product is described as a text, the institution constructing the magazine can double up as a logo like the NME brand for example.
Ideology is a worldview, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs held in common by an individual, group or society of people, Ideology allows society to understand messages and the meanings of the messages.
An Audience can be defined by their Gender, Ethnicity, Age, Regional identity or social class and status. There are three different audience types in media, these are; Mass audiences, Niche audiences, and fragmented audiences. A Mass audience is a means of reaching out to a great number of people. Businesses that have a Mass audience do not tend to focus on one gender or age group. A Niche audience is a specialised channel of people and a Fragmented audience is defined as a disruption of a system in which mass media content creates and serves a mass public.
Representation is the process in which media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sounds.
Semiotics is the word used to reference Denotation and Connotation, the meaning of denotation is what you see in front of you, what is shown on a page or a screen. The definition of Connotation is the meaning we infer from what we see in front of us.

my perception of the red rose is that it connotes beauty, passion and love. This is because it is so intriguing to the eye, and their aroma is equally show stopping.


This image denotes a white rose, which has many connotations, but is best known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a wedding flower. In this sense white represents unity, virtue and the pureness of a new love. 
From what I can, gather black is associated with elegance and power. Black is a mysterious colour, it normally has negative connotation, but it is also used for elegance, and also is the symbol of grief.

Preliminary task


To produce a front cover for a new school/college magazine and a mock up of the lay out for the contents page and double page spread.